Upcoming holidays:

Upcoming Holidays:
19 August 2024 - Cruising from Sydney to Fremantle via Northern Australia - 18 days on the Coral Princess.
2 April 2025 - Cruise to Moreton Island on the Carnival Splendor.
10 October 2025 - Paul's 70th birthday - 3 day "Cruise to Nowhere" on the Pacific Explorer.
1 December 2025 - Cruise from Singapore to Brisbane on the Voyager of the Seas.

Saturday 22 July 2017

Retirement update

Well, the "retirement cruise" truly is going to be a retirement cruise.  I have told the boss that I'll be finishing up work sometime between January and September 2018.  Most likely I'll work up to Easter (so, the end of March) then I'll use up all the leave I have available at the time, and retire once the leave runs out - so sometime in April.
As far as the holiday is concerned, this means we can now spend some more time in England before the cruise. Originally we had to keep it to only about a week, otherwise I would have rune out of leave before we got to Singapore.  That's no longer an issue 😏.