Upcoming holidays:

Upcoming Holidays:
19 August 2024 - Cruising from Sydney to Fremantle via Northern Australia - 18 days on the Coral Princess.
2 April 2025 - Cruise to Moreton Island on the Carnival Splendor.
10 October 2025 - Paul's 70th birthday - 3 day "Cruise to Nowhere" on the Pacific Explorer.
1 December 2025 - Cruise from Singapore to Brisbane on the Voyager of the Seas.

Saturday 4 February 2012

199 days to go!

The countdown to our big trip away this year has just clicked under 200 days - it still sounds like a long time away but given how quickly January 2012 came and went, it will be time to leave before we know it.  The to-do list is gradually getting smaller and the packing list is getting longer, so I must be making some progress.
And, in the end the anniversary cruise was an easy decision.  Both of us have permission to take a couple of weeks leave, and we're booked on an 11 night South Pacific cruise with Royal Caribbean leaving Sydney on 4 Feb 2013 - we'll spend our 25th anniversary sailing towards New Caledonia.
We'll be extending an open invitation to everyone to join us - we're not planning anything special but we'd be more than happy for any friends and family to come along!
And Rose, if I win the Lotto between now and then, I'll be sending you a ticket :-)