Upcoming holidays:

Upcoming Holidays:
April 2025 - Not a cruise! - instead a trip to Brisbane to watch the Panthers vs Dolphins game, and of course to see the family.
August 2025 - And again, not a cruise! - a weekend in Sydney to see Star Wars: A New Hope, with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra performing the music live.
27 September 2025 - Slightly early celebration for Paul's 70th birthday - 7 day Barrier Reef cruise on the Carnival (ex-P&O) Encounter.
August - September 2026 - 12 day "British Isles with France and Belfast" cruise on the Majestic Princess then a stay in the UK afterwards.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Gibraltar 5 November

Arrived here at lunch-time on 5 November, as scheduled. 

We had booked a shore excursion; basically seeing Gibraltar by "taxi" which is really a 6 seater minibus.  This is a very common way to do tours in Gibraltar; the roads up the rock in particular are almost all too small for anything much larger, so you don't get the 40 seater bus sort of tour that you get in a lot of other places.
The weather forecast was for cool and rainy weather but in fact it didn't rain at all and ended up being a lovely day.  The tour took us to the Spanish border - so we could get the fun of driving across the airport runway.

Then we went around to Europa Point where it's only 15 miles across the straits to Morocco.

This was followed with a drive up to St Michael's cave.

Hard to do it justice in a photo - it's a really large cave that was set up as a hospital during the war and is now used for concerts.  Then it was off to see the Barbary Apes, because apparently you have to:

Here's a view of our ship from up on high - also with ape:
And Sandy, with ape:
The taxi dropped us off in Main Street and we did some shopping and had lunch before returning to the ship. All in all a really good day

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